The shock of the new
Many first-time parents have very little idea at all of what to expect from the crucial new role they are taking on. And even if you are expecting your second child, you may have forgotten quite a bit of just what’s involved on a daily basis. With web searches for ‘becoming a first-time mum’ increasing by a staggering 467% over the past year, life insurance broker Reassured has teamed up with Parenting Coach Isobel Mary Champion to offer top key tips on what new parents can expect.

1. Accept all those offers for help
You’ll need all the help you can get in the fourth trimester. Swallow your pride, and accept all offers to help with housework, cooking, laundry and holding the baby. But don’t be afraid to set boundaries on visit-length and personal space.
2. Don’t over-worry about about developmental milestones
Just relax and enjoy those early years. Try not to keep pushing for the next developmental leap forward. Spending endless amounts of money on ‘developmental’ toys, gadgets and flashcards will not make things happen any faster!
3. Make sure to look after yourself
Making time for self-care will allow you to parent in a much calmer and more effective way. You can’t pour from an empty cup! Make sure to build small self-care opportunities into your daily routine.
4. Reach out and grow your ‘village’
The first few steps are always scary – but all the other new mums in your area are just as desperate for adult interaction as you are! Be brave and make the first move.
5. It's OK to do things your own way.
The teachings of different tribes of parenting influencers can be confusing and overwhelming. While some parents may follow Attachment Parenting, Gentle Parenting, Natural Parenting or Montessori Parenting to the letter, most parents out there are just getting by with what feels right for them and their child. There is no one-size-fits-all method of parenting!
6. Lower your expectations
Of yourself, of your child, and of everything! In the age of endless social media feeds and selfies, first time parents often feel immense pressure to do it all, have it all, and be perfect all the time. Take a breath and think about what is important to you and your child right now. Everything else can wait. “