The great escape


Do you ever feel that you would do anything, literally anything, for just a few precious moments to yourself?

Laura Guckian, founder of Mind Mommy Coaching ® and #1 podcast Momfessions asked listeners to confess the most inventive strategies they have used to get a break. Here are five of them. Maybe they will give you the incentive to dream up some of your own!

Momfession: I Did This One Thing Just to Get a Break

* Was due to go to a hen party. The party was cancelled but I still went away and had a fabulous night to myself.

* Invented DIY jobs that need to be done in my house. That way, my dad came to visit and I got some company and a break.

* Used the line, ‘I have so much laundry to put away upstairs’ daily to go up and listen to my favourite show for 30 minutes.

* Faked Covid symptoms so that I would have to stay in isolation for a few days. It was so good to be able to do absolutely nothing.

* I recently broke my foot so now say I have ‘lots of appointments’ but really I don’t. I use the time away to go for lunch or just relax in my car with a good podcast.

If you have a good getaway excuse of your own to share, we’d love to hear from you!
