Step outside
A new study reveals that many British children prefer to be indoors than out! The average UK child goes outside for half an hour each day and will spend as many as two days inside in a row, according to the study from TK Maxx. In fact, well over half of British parents believe they spend more time outdoors than their children do!

Nearly three in four (73 per cent) of parents in the survey said they would like their children to get more fresh air and exercise outside as it’s good for health and well-being. And nearly every parent (97 per cent) said they see positive changes, such as better moods, when they finally get their little ones outdoors. The average parent spends over two hours a week just trying to convince their kids to ditch the screens and head outside.
When asked why their children were spending so little time outdoors, the top reasons included social media and screens being too addictive, being too busy, and children making a fuss about the weather and not having appropriate clothing.