Speaking confidently
One of the best gifts you can give your child is a sense of confidence and a new book from award-winning publisher Daddilife Books can help you do just that.

A Daily Dose of Confidence For Kids (paperback, £9.55) offers top tips, goals and strategies to ignite confidence in a generation of children whose self-belief may have been dented by experiences in lockdown, or simply by living in a fast-moving world where nothing seems certain from one day to the next.
The book offers 366 positive affirmations that can be read alone, together, coloured-in and doodled. They are simple statements that encourage children to believe in themselves and develop a positive mindset. Centered around goal-setting, the book also gives parents the opportunity to measure progress each month.
DaddiLife was formed in 2016 as a platform and community for modern-day dads. The team now includes over 150,000 dads who explore issues and opportunities for fathers. Confidence For Kids addresses challenges many of the team have experienced first-hand with their own children.
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