Morning meltdowns
Meltdowns, making packed lunches and lost items of clothing are all making parents late out of the door in the morning according to a national survey by Censuswide for Nature’s Aid children’s vitamin brands Mini Drops and Super Stars.

It revealed that only 22 per cent of parents said they are never late in the morning. Of those that can’t make it out of the door on time, 42 per cent said meltdowns were responsible and 28 per cent blamed making packed lunches.
Lost school shoes, uniform and PE kits are another parental bugbear and last-minute toilet stops, teeth brushing issues and refusal to get out of bed were also highlighted.
Tips to help parents manage the morning routine include:
- Family discussions about how to make the morning routine run more smoothly so that everyone gets a say.
- Reward charts or stickers can often help children get through their morning a little faster.
- Singing children’s favourite songs or listening to the radio can get everyone in a more positive mood.
- Talking about after school activities such as sports clubs or a special meal means that everyone has something to look forward to together.
- A weekly family timetable that children can help to design will help everyone to know who should be where and when.
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