Masterchefs in the making
Nearly half (48 per cent) of parents in a new study admitted that their kids don’t eat ANY fruit or vegetables. And two thirds of parents confessed that they don’t even eat fruit and veg themselves!

The study, conducted by personalised vitamin service who recently launched children’s vitamin range Kids Gummies, also found that those who don’t eat fruit and veg are most likely to suffer from a vitamin deficiency. Worryingly, it also emerged that 13 per cent of those who don’t eat fruit and veg fall ill more often and 15 per cent regularly suffer from constipation and digestive issues.
Children are much more likely to be into healthy eating if they’ve played a part in the meal preparation process. With this in mind, the new Little Cooks Co Savoury Cooking Kits teach budding cooks to make delicious and nutritious balanced meals. The kits are available on monthly subscription and each features a fresh recipe introducing new flavours – such as Beetroot Falafel and Homemade Flatbreads – to broaden your child’s palate. All the dry, organic ingredients needed for the recipe are included, along with a fun learning card explaining more about the hidden superpowers of foods.
Some of the Savoury Cooking Kit monthly extras include a pack of seeds for children to grow, taking them on a ‘seed to plate’ journey and allowing them to experience the magic of growing, nurturing and harvesting their very own ingredients.
Little Cooks Co Savoury Cooking Kits are available from £12.99 for a monthly subscription, or you can select The Little Cooks Combo Kit (combining baking and savoury) for £19.99 RRP per month.
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