Letting go of lockdown
New research from infant formula brand Kendamil, has found that 42 per cent of new mums are concerned that their lockdown babies will struggle socially when the world re-opens. Over a third (37 per cent) admitted to worrying about their little one’s lack of social skills. Parents of children under two years old were most concerned.

The study of 1,005 UK mums with children aged five or below also found that a quarter of mums (24 per cent) are nervous about seeing other parents managing better than them post-pandemic, and 69 per cent of newborns missed out on bonding time with grandparents.
The survey reveals that:
*Top post-pandemic parenting fear is children’s inability to socialise.
* Almost a third (30) per cent of mums dread public temper tantrums.
* One in four mums used the pandemic as an excuse to limit visitors.
* Parents saw chores as ‘me time’.
Respondents were asked whether they thought the pandemic had an impact on parenting – a slim 16 per cent felt that it hadn’t. Interestingly, 42 per cent said it had a positive impact, while exactly the same number said the impact was negative.
Top 5 parenting struggles in lockdown were:
- Lost bonding time with grandparents or other family members.
- Not being able to arrange playdates.
- Child missed out on sensory benefits of exploring outdoors.
- No in-person antenatal or baby/toddler classes.
- Lack of family support.
Top 5 silver linings for parents were:
- Spending more time with children.
- Enjoying more quality time in your ‘bubble’.
- Eating more meals as a family.
- Noticing more about children’s personality.
- Being around for more of the ‘firsts’.
Top 10 pandemic parenting coping strategies
- Allowed their child more screen time.
- Used on-demand channels such as Netflix and Prime more.
- Ate junk food.
- Spent more time on social media than usual.
- Considered chores as ‘me time’.
- Let the bedtime routine slide.
- Hid in the bathroom for some peace.
- Told their child Santa was still coming – socially distanced – so they behaved.
- Joined online groups and communities.
- Drank more alcohol than usual.
To help parents feel confident getting out and about, Kendamil have created a series of guides, with contributions from child experts. You’ll find tips and advice on everything from helping develop your child’s social skills to packing for a day trip with a baby. They are available free on their blog.