Good egg!
Reading Eggs is an online reading programme for children aged two to 13, helping them to build essential reading skills especially during times of remote learning.

The programme, which is used in over 16,000 primary schools, is aligned to the National Curriculum and covers the five essential components of reading which children need to become proficient readers: phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, reading comprehension and fluency. Designed by experienced educators, it was created in 2008 and has won many awards. Over 91 per cent of parents report a noticeable improvement in their child's reading ability within weeks.
Reading Eggs is offering:
- 10 per cent off all book packages throughout March.
- 35% off the All Access 12 Month combined Subscription for up-to four children, £54.99 down from £83.99.
The All-Access plans allow consumers use of all programmes including: Reading Eggs; Reading Eggs Junior; Reading Eggspress; Fast Phonics and access to Mathseeds, which teaches children aged 3-9 the core maths and problem-solving skills needed to be successful at school with fun, highly interactive and rewarding lessons.