Easy pleasey!
Today’s British parents are the most lenient in history, with over half setting few or inconsistent rules for their children, according to new research from name label manufacturer My Nametags. This is a stark contrast to the previous generation, with two thirds (66 per cent) of parents claiming that their own parents took a strict and clear approach to rules when they were growing up.

But on the plus side, 70 per cent of today’s parents claim they spend more quality time with their children than their parents did with them. And over two thirds feel they show more love and affection than their parents did.
Modern parents feel they are more relaxed about what their children eat and drink than their own parents were, and many don’t even expect their children to help with household chores. Instead, they are focussed on spending time with their children and supporting them emotionally.
Most of the latest generation of parents (68 per cent in the survey) also feel that they show more love and affection to their children and encourage more family activities than their own parents did (63 per cent). Whilst previous generations were more likely to support their children practically, by teaching them to ride a bike, buying ingredients for home economics at school and mending damaged clothing, modern parents are more likely to spend quality time with their children. For instance, they are twice as likely to do arts and crafts at home and play imaginative games.
Sadly, almost a third of the current generation of parents who were surveyed (31 percent) said they feel uncomfortable with their own parents looking after their children, possibly because they are not comfortable with their parenting style.
To find out more about the differences in parenting styles across the generations. visit www.mynametags.com