Time to discuss diversity
Helping children to understand, value, respect and celebrate differences is at the heart of a new book, All About Diversity, by early years specialist Felicity Brooks and Mar Ferrero (Usborne, hardback, £9.99).

Part of Usborne’s award-winning All About series, the big bonus of All About Diversity is that the content is aimed squarely at children of 3+ so it approaches the subject in a really simple, positive way. The book covers diversity and difference in all its forms, including the clothing we wear, the food we eat, the colour of our skin, the gender we are, disabilities, and celebrations. The idea is to start conversations between parent and child about what it means to grow up in a diverse society. Written in consultation with early years diversity and inclusion expert Chandrika Devarakonda, it includes helpful ideas and discussion points for grown-ups on talking to children.
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