Did you know?
Families with pre-schoolers can now use their Amazon Alexa device to explore the exciting new interactive Alexa Skill from the award-winning CBeebies series Bing.

– simply request ‘Alexa, open ‘Bing Time’. Content includes exclusive audio stories, play-along games, plus a selection of favourite music and songs. Visit www.bingbunny.com

Do you ever stop to wonder how much data the apps on your phone are using up? Research from mobile resellers Buymobiles shows that video-heavy platform TikTok uses the most data compared to its social media rivals, draining a whopping 840MB per hour! Instagram was the next highest, using 720MB per hour. Visit www.buymobiles.net/contract-mobile-phones

Nearly half of parents (46 per cent) say that owning a pet is more expensive and time-consuming than preparing for a child in a survey conducted by home experts Hillarys. More than three-quarters (78 per cent) said that putting protective measures around their home to protect it from a new pet was more problematic than preparing a house for a new baby! Visit www.Hillarys.co.uk