Box clever


Have you got a load of cardboard boxes cluttering the house, possibly leftover from a house move or Christmas? Instead of packing them into your already-overloaded bin, or taking time out to drop them off at the tip, why not try a more creative and child-friendly solution?

Removal and delivery company AnyVan creates free how-to-guides that transform old boxes into exciting ‘Box Toys’. The cardboard designs include a car, a plane and a boat. Saving money and waste, they provide the perfect opportunity for kids to use their imagination and enter a world of creativity, exploring new ways to have fun with items already in the house. Note that parental supervision is required when assembling the boxes.

Interestingly, nearly half of all kids (45 per cent) stop playing with new toys within the first two weeks of receiving them, with 16 per cent abandoning them within the first three days.

Anyone can create their very own ‘box toys’ at home using old moving boxes and easy to follow assembly instructions available free on AnyVan’s blog.
