Be the parent you wish you'd had!


Many of us didn't have a perfect childhood. But according to a new book, it's never too late (or too early!) to transform into the parent you were always meant to be: grounded, present, intentional, compassionate and confident.

Parent Yourself First published by Allen and Unwin (paperback, £16.99) sets out to show you how to break free of past patterns and heal from generational trauma. It also offers guidelines on how to better connect with your child, understand their needs, and guide them to the happy, healthy life they deserve.

This judgement-free, no-nonsense parenting guide is written by licensed marriage and family therapist Bryana Kappadakunnel. She is also founder of the popular Conscious Mommy community on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok.

It shows how your upbringing is probably impacting your parenting style in ways you don't even fully recognise: from how you manage your own emotions to how you connect with your kids. The secret to successful parenting, says Bryana, is to UN-learn the wounded patterns you grew up with and create new ways to connect with your child.
