
Road treats

It’s the most wonderful time of the year to plan a family road trip. And, as most parents know all too well, the secret to successful tripping with kids is to pack some great snacks to take along with you! cinch, the faff-free way to buy a car online, has partnered with health coach Rebecca Balmer at RJ Holistic Health to bring you some tasty tips for the trip.


When it comes to the nation’s favourite snacks, 66 per cent of Brits admit they regularly munch on crisps, with other popular options including biscuits and chocolate bars. But what is the best food to support your immune system and keep your stomach full on the road?

Sam Sheehan, motoring editor at cinch, says: Eating and snacking during a long road trip helps to maintain energy levels, prevent mood swings and preserves your digestive health. Skipping meals could lead to feelings of discomfort such as bloating.’

With the help of health coach Rebecca Balmer, cinch has explored the perfect snacks to pack.

Carrot and cucumber sticks

These are a delicious low-calorie option to keep you and your kids energised on the road, as they help to satisfy your crunch cravings.

‘Carrot and cucumber sticks with a hummus dip can act as a perfect savoury snack, as all these components contribute to nourishing the beneficial bacteria in our gut,’ says Rebecca.

Bear in mind that we should try and get at least 30 portions of plant foods in our diet each week, and this specific snack will add to the tally. They’re a good source of plant-based proteins, with carrots also contributing towards good eye health and support for the immune system.’


If you’re planning to hit the road with the family, consider taking a portable cool box to prevent food spillages and expand the snack options you can take on your adventures.

Yoghurt is a solid choice for a quick breakfast or afternoon snack when you don’t have much time to spare at a service station or lay-by. As well as being creamy and tasty, yoghurts are rich in protein, which can help keep your stomach full as you clock up the miles. They also come in different flavours, so there’s something for everyone.

Oat or rice cakes

Top them with cashew, peanut or other nut butters for added sustenance. ‘Oat and rice cakes are a great protein source, which is essential for growing children,’ explains Rebecca. ‘Look for oat and rice cakes containing minimal ingredients and additives as they are less processed.

‘Toppings such as nut butters are high in calcium, a nutrient that plays an important role in strengthening bones and teeth. You may also want to consider pairing your oat and rice cakes with lots of fruit to get all the different colours of the rainbow in your food.”

Dark chocolate

Craving some sweet heaven after several miles behind the wheel? It’s tempting to stop at a service station and stock up on baked delicacies, sugary drinks and sweets. But if you’re after a healthier, more nutritious option, dark chocolate hits the spot.

This tasty treat is loaded with minerals and antioxidants to keep your energy levels up and help the body tick as it should. It can improve blood flow and circulation by sending signals to the arteries to relax. And it also has bioactive compounds that protect your skin from the sun, increasing both hydration and skin density.

Seeded flapjacks

These offer the same sweet hit as dark chocolate, and they’re a healthy choice too. Rebecca says: ‘As well as providing you with a mood-boosting sweet kick, the oats in flapjacks are supposed to keep you full throughout the journey as they release energy slowly into the body.

‘Coupled with the seeds, they reduce the risk of blood sugar spikes as the body takes longer to digest them, maintaining that feeling of satiety. Seeds also contain large amounts of magnesium, which helps with more than 300 processes in the body, including promoting restful sleep. And after a long day in the car, there is nothing better than a relaxing snooze to recharge.’



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